This studio (37 Studios) is located in the beautiful Rochester Hills, MI. State of the art gear (immense amounts of it), very large and beautiful sounding live room and more than 4 different control rooms to operate out of -- the majority of Nick's bulk engineering has been done here (Emmure, Attila, Crown The Empire, Bless The Fall, Etc.) This studio is perfect for tracking, especially drums.

AKG C414 Vintage Stereo Matched pair
AKG C414b
Charter Oaks SA538 Tube Microphone
Audio Technica 4040
Audio Technica 4057
Audix i5 x2
BeezNeez Arrabella U47 Clone
Avantone C12
Cascade Fathead Ribbon
DW Moon mic x2
Cascade v57
Neumann U87 x2
Neumann KM184 matched pair
Rode NT4
Royer 121
Sennheiser D112
Sennheiser MD421 x2
Sennheiser Shotgun
Sennheiser e609 x2
Sennheiser e604 x3
Shure SM81 x2
Shure SM7b
Shure Beta52 x2
Shure Beta57
Shure SM57 x5
Shure SM94
Dynamics and Equalizers
Spectrasonics IM6 Stereo Pair
DBX 160 VU x 2
Empirical Labs Distressor ELX-8 w/ brit mod
Manley Vari Mu Stereo Compressor / Limiter
Shadow Hills Dual Vandergraph
UREI 1176LN x2
Urei 710 Compressors x2
Retro 2A3 Tube Eq
Api 550b x2
Api 560 x 2
Retro 176
DBX 263x Deesser
DBX 150 Compressor
... Many more
Numerous stompboxes
DW Collectors Series 6 Piece Drum Kit
DW Collectors Series 4 Pc (Jimmy Eat World)
Vintage Ludwig 5 Piece Drum Kit
Tama Rockstar 4 Piece Drum Kit
Tama Swingstar 4 Piece Drum Kit
Assorted Sabian, Paiste and Zildjian Cymbals
Vintage Ludwig 14" Snare
Various percussion and eclectic instruments
Guitars & Basses include Yamaha 5 String, Gibson Les Paul,
Mic Preamps
API 3124
Universal Audio 4110
Neve 1073
Neve 1272 Vintage Pair (Soundcity)
Telefunken V72b Vintage Pair
Presonus Eureaka with Hotrod Mod
Shadow Hills Quad GAMA
Studio Electronics Neve Pre 2
Telefunken V672 (Custom 4 Channel)
Universal Audio 2-610
Avalon Vt737
La Chapell 583e (x2)
... Many more
Yamaha S-80
Hammond xB3 with 122 Leslie
Neo Ventilator 2
Korg Poly Six
Yamaha CP70b
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5
Yamaha DX7
Wurlitzer 120 Tube Electric Piano
Creepy Cool Spinet Piano
... Many more
Marshall 1960b 4x12 (v30s)
Fender Bandmaster Reverb
Fender Deville
Mesa Single Rectifier
Mesa Nomad Head
Mesa 4x12 oversize (v30s)
Bogner Uberschall
Rivera Knucklehead II (1 of 1000)
Fender Superchamp
Carvin MST 3200
Peavy 5150 Blockletter
Fender 4x10 Bass Cab with Horn
Acoustic 420 Bass Head
Ampeg SVT-4
Ampeg 4x10